[Nfd-dev] How to make face permanent exist after computers restart?

"李峻辰" jcli at njnet.edu.cn
Thu Nov 29 00:06:29 PST 2018


   Thank you for your reading!
   I am encountering some problems when using NFD and NLSR.
   I notice that NLSR will ask a set of face from NFD, then match the
neighbor. But if there is no face the I need, so I need the face stay
in nfd.
   I installed NFD on two computers respectively and each represents a
node. The problems are:

   (1)I use the command "nfdc face create xxxx persistency permanent" to
create face, but it seems something wrong with the face status, when I
restart the machine, the face will disappear. I have to use the command
again. So I wonder whether there is a way to keep the face maintain, or
how to revise the file "nfd.conf" to automatically create the face when
I start the nfd, how to code it?

   (2)I modified the NLSR configure files of the two nodes to make the two
nodes connected to each other. But every time I start the nlsr, the node
named "router1" always reports that "Router's Identity
/ndn/edu/%C1.Router/router1 doesn't exit".
   Look forward to your reply. Thank you very much!

                                                         Best regards,
                                                          Junchen Li

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