[ndnSIM] Interest Satisfaction Rate (ISR) Calculation

sobia Mirza sobia.mirza88 at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 28 22:43:43 PDT 2018

HiFrom rate-trace.txt I need to calulate total number of satisfied interests and total interests. How can i do that?
There are InInterests, OutInterests,InSatisfiedInterests, InTimedOutInterests, OutSatisfiedInterests etc. 
>From following which one is actually indicate "number of  satisfied interests" and how "total number of interests" can be calulated??? 

   - InInterests measurements of incoming Interests
   - OutInterests measurements of outgoing Interests
   - InData measurements of incoming Data
   - OutData measurements of outgoing Data
   - InNacks measurements of outgoing NACKs
   - OutNacks measurements of outgoing NACKs
   - SatisfiedInterests measurements of satisfied Interests(totals for all faces)
   - TimedOutInterests measurements of timed out Interests(totals for all faces)
   - InSatisfiedInterests measurements of incoming satisfiedInterests (per incoming face)
   - InTimedOutInterests measurements of incoming timed outInterests (per incoming face)
   - OutSatisfiedInterests measurements of outgoing satisfiedInterests (per outgoing face)
   - OutTimedOutInterests measurements of outgoing satisfiedInterests (per outgoing face)                                                       

   - as mentioned on pagehttp://ndnsim.net/current/metric.html
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