[ndnSIM] [ndnSIM-NLSR] Installation Error

DJAKER Abou-Bakr djaker.aboubakr at edu.univ-oran1.dz
Mon Dec 10 07:11:02 PST 2018


I followed the steps mentioned (in https://github.com/3rd-ndn-hackathon/ndnSIM-NLSR/blob/master/PORTING.md) in order to install ndnSIM-NLSR, and when coming to this command (./waf configure --enable-examples --enable-nlsr), it starts checking for programs and it outputs the following:

Checking for 'libndn-cxx'                         : not found 
The configuration failed
(complete log in /home/user/ndnSIM-NLSR/ns-3/build/config.log)

Kindly, how we can solve this issue ?
Thank you


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