[ndnSIM] Interest packet size

Alex Afanasyev aa at CS.UCLA.EDU
Tue Dec 27 13:52:39 PST 2016

Hi Raaid,

> On Dec 27, 2016, at 10:03 AM, raaid alubady <alubadyraaid at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone in this amazing and helpful group,
> I have these questions:
> First, what is the default size of Interest packet?

There is no such thing. The size of Interest is variable and depends on what name you use.

> Second, how can Increase and decrease the Interest packet size?

Use different name, e.g., put different amount or smaller/larger name components.

> Third, the instructing here:
> ndnHelper.SetPit ("ns3::ndn::pit::Persistent::AggregateStats", "MaxSize", "10000");
> What is mean "10000"?

You can check the logic in AggregateStats policy.  If I remember correctly, it is the number of interests (not their size).

> Fourth, can we use both two instructing in one scenario as follows:
> consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("Frequency", StringValue("10000")); 
> consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("Randomize", StringValue ("uniform"));
> What are effecting on the scenario ?

You can use those, but I cannot tell what you're expecting in your scenario.  Only you can tell what is expected from the scenario.


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