[ndnSIM] ndnSim is not working over Power line communication infrastructure
Nour El Houda Ben Youssef
NourElHouda.BenYoussef at oxia-group.com
Fri Jul 11 04:39:56 PDT 2014
Dear all
I've been trying to use ndnSIm over a power line communication infrastructure
To do so I used a PLC module for NS3 (http://www.ece.ubc.ca/~faribaa/ns3_plc_software.htm) that I've been using with TCP/IP
I wrote the joined script simulation which is working with TCP stack but when I try ndnSIM with the same infrastructure no data is received by the consumer
Please help
Nour El Houda Ben Youssef Koubaa
Doctorante Mobidoc - OXIA/SAGE
Mastère nouvelle génération des systèmes d'informations - FST
Ingénieur Génie Logiciel - INSAT
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