[ndnSIM] NS-3 or one of the required NS-3 modules not found
Alex Afanasyev
alexander.afanasyev at ucla.edu
Mon Jul 7 16:06:14 PDT 2014
Have you compiled NS-3 in optimized mode? If not, you should compile the scenarios in debug mode as well (add --debug to ./waf configure)
I would actually highly recommend optimized mode (in NS-3 ./waf configure -d optimized) instead of using debug mode, if you're not modifying NS-3. There is a very significant difference with the simulation time between optimized and debug modes.
On Jul 4, 2014, at 9:38 PM, NDIKUMANA ANSELME <anselme333 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> when i run ./waf configure, I am getting the bellow error:
> Checking for ns3-core : not found
> NS-3 or one of the required NS-3 modules not found
> NS-3 needs to be compiled and installed somewhere. You may need also to set PKG_CONFIG_PATH variable in order for configure find installed NS-3.
> For example:
> PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH ./waf configure
> I would greatly appreciate, if you kindly give me some hint on how to fix this error. My OS is Ubuntu Linux 12.04.
> With Regards,
> Anselme N.
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