[ndnSIM] rocketfuel-maps help

Windhya Rankothge windyswsw at gmail.com
Thu Nov 7 06:07:56 PST 2013


I am very new to ndnsim and ns3 environments and I want to simulate a
topology graph using rocketfuel-maps-cch-to-annotaded tool.

I went thorough the ndnsim web site, mail list and found following

mkdir ns-dev
cd ns-dev

git clone git://github.com/cawka/ns-3-dev-ndnSIM.git -b ns-3.16-ndnSIM ns-3
git clone git://github.com/cawka/pybindgen.git pybindgen
git clone git://github.com/NDN-Routing/ndnSIM.git -b v0.2.7 ns-3/src/ndnSIM

git clone git://github.com/cawka/ndnSIM-sample-topologies.gitndnSIM-sample-topologies

cd ns-3
./waf configure -d optimized
sudo ./waf install
./waf shell
cd ../ndnSIM-sample-topologies
PKG_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib NS_VIS_ASSIGN=1 ./waf --run example --vis

I used same commands, but I get the following error

u99319 at ws116615-ubuntu:~/ns-dev/ndnSIM-sample-topologies$
PKG_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib NS_VIS_ASSIGN=1 ./waf --run example --vis
The project was not configured: run "waf configure" first!

Please let me know where I am going wrong and I would highly appreciate any
help on simulating a topology graph using rocketfuel-maps given.

Best Regards,

Windhya Rankothge,
Universitat Pompeu Fabra,
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