[ndnSIM] Inconsistency of Random replacement policy

Saran Tarnoi sarantarnoi at gmail.com
Fri Jun 7 01:19:52 PDT 2013

Hello Alex and All,

I did some experiments and found some wired results.
The experimental setup is as follows.

(Random, Lru, or Lfu)   node 2 <--- (producer)
        (Random)            node 1 <--- (consumer, Zipfmandelbrot)

The cascading network has 2 nodes.
These nodes has the same size of Content Store.
Consumer and producer are installed in nodes 1 and 2, respectively.
Zipfmendelbrot is set as the Interest traffic model for consumer.

Random is the replacement policy for node 1 while either Random, Lru, or
Lfu is the replacement policy of node 2.

The cache hit rate at node 1 (the first-hop node) should be consistent and
independent of the replacement policy deployed in node 2.
However, the results don't follow the above logic.

The cache hit rate at node 1 when either Lru or Lfu is set as the
replacement policy of node 2 are exactly the same but different from when
Random is the replacement policy of node 2.

In addition, I don't see any problem when Lfu or Lru is set as replacement
policy of node 1.

Is it a bug or random seed problem?
Could you give me any idea?
Thanks a lot for your time.

Saran Tarnoi
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