[Mini-NDN] Generate large amounts of video files traffic in Mini-NDN

JIACHENG HOU houdemi at outlook.com
Thu Jul 29 17:27:39 PDT 2021

Hi Philipp,

Thank you very much for your reply!

I just want a producer to publish multiple large-size videos. Then consumers generate requests for those videos. I think I will try the ndnputchunks firstly!

Best wishes,

From: Mini-NDN <mini-ndn-bounces at lists.cs.ucla.edu> on behalf of Philipp Moll <phmoll at cs.ucla.edu>
Date: Thursday, July 29, 2021 at 8:11 PM
To: "mini-ndn at lists.cs.ucla.edu" <mini-ndn at lists.cs.ucla.edu>
Subject: Re: [Mini-NDN] Generate large amounts of video files traffic in Mini-NDN

Hi Jiacheng,

Thanks for dropping a message. In MiniNDN, you can basically use any headless NDN application you want. MiniNDN just starts the application using a bash-command. But I think answering your question becomes easier when knowing more details about what you want to achieve. Publishing and retrieving large video files could be interpreted in many ways.

If you simply want to handle those large video files as large files, we have tools like ndncatchunks and ndnputchunks to publish/consume files from the file system: https://github.com/named-data/ndn-tools/tree/master/tools/chunks

When you want to emulate something like Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over MiniNDN, it might be good to use something like a DAS dataset that already has pre-computed video-segments (here's one example dataset: https://dash.itec.aau.at/dash-dataset/). To retrieve these segments, you might use emulated video streaming clients that retrieve the pre-computed segments based on some adaption logic..

Junxiao did some recent work on video streaming. He has streaming publishers and clients available for TypeScript. See here: https://github.com/yoursunny/NDNts-video

Without having tried, but since those are TypeScript clients, they should also work in MiniNDN. At least the producer should run, and maybe Junxiao also has a headless consumer that can be used with MiniNDN.

But as I said first, it really depends on what you want to do.

On 7/29/21 4:26 PM, JIACHENG HOU via Mini-NDN wrote:
Hi, Mini-NDN teams,

Before I tried generating a bunch of traffic using ndn-traffic-generator. However, it seems that the ndn-traffic-generator is not suitable for publishing and retrieving large video files.

I am wondering are there any recommended tools to generate a lot of traffic for video files in Mini-NDN?

Thanks for your help.

Best wishes,


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