[ndnSIM] Transmission rate in ndnSIM

Muktadir R Chowdhury (mrchwdhr) mrchwdhr at memphis.edu
Mon Oct 21 17:38:14 PDT 2019

I am facing an issue in  ndnSIM. I am running a program in wifi ad-hoc mode. I am using transmission rate of DsssRate11Mbps. I have turned on wifi logs, and I see that DsssRate1Mbps being used to transmit packet, not DsssRate11Mbps.
This is how I am setting the transmission rate:

std::string phyMode("DsssRate11Mbps");

WifiHelper wifi;



                             "DataMode", StringValue(phyMode),

                             "ControlMode", StringValue(phyMode));

I ran the https://www.nsnam.org/doxygen/wifi-simple-adhoc_8cc_source.html<https://slack-redir.net/link?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nsnam.org%2Fdoxygen%2Fwifi-simple-adhoc_8cc_source.html> example is ns3. There I don't see this problem: when I change the rate to DsssRate11Mbps I can see that 11Mbps is used for data transfer.


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