[ndnSIM] Using the setExpiryTImer

Ashish Pradhan ashishpradhan1162 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 24 06:20:25 PST 2018

Hi all,

I am trying to use the setExpiryTimer to extend the PIT entry's lifetime.
However the data response other than the first one is not being forwarded
back to the consumer. I have included the setExpiryTimer in the
beforeSatisfyInterest function as follows:
"NFD_LOG_DEBUG("beforeSatisfyInterest pitEntry=" << pitEntry->getName() <<
                " inFace=" << inFace.getId() << " data=" << data.getName());

  this->Strategy::setExpiryTimer(pitEntry, ndn::time::milliseconds(100));"

Is there any thing that needs to be added?

After looking at the sendData function there is this line
"pitEntry->deleteInRecord(outFace);". If it is deleting the inRecord how
does the setExpiryTimer help to preserve the entry?

Best regards,
Ashish Pradhan
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