[ndnSIM] a Problem of Interests Delay by Using NdnSIM

Ru Jia rujia721 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 24 01:58:50 PDT 2017

Dear professor,

I am start learning ndnSIM recently and I have met some problem that I
don't know how to make it correct. I am hoping if you can help me fix it.

The purpose of the simulation is very simply. If two consumer shared a NDN
router, and one consumer request the exact 1000 interests the other
consumer have received from the provider, the delay of the later one should
be shorter because of the cache at router.
I am hoping to get a result like this figure (a paper do the exact thing on
real computers).
However, the result of mine is like this(the coordinate has not been
normalized, only the shape of the histogram that matters)

​I have changed the parameters like link capacity, but the result is
nothing like what i have expected.

The code is as attached.

 I am really appreciate your help.
Kind regards,
Ru Jia
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# topo-tree.txt

#	    /-------\                    /--------\
#	    | leaf-1|                    | leaf-2 |
#           \-------/                    \--------/
#                 ^                        ^                      
#		  |	 		   |
#		   \			  /  10 Mpbs / 1ms 
#		    +--------+  +--------+ 
#			     |  |      
#                            v  v
#			  /--------\
#			  |  rtr-3 |
#                         \--------/
#			     |  |      
#                            v  v
#			  /--------\
#			  |  root  |
#                         \--------/


#node	city	y	x	
leaf-1	NA	10	-20	
leaf-2	NA	10	0
leaf-3  NA	10	20
leaf-4	NA	10	40
leaf-5	NA	30	-30
leaf-6	NA	30	50
rtr-1	NA	20	-10
rtr-2	NA	20	30
rtr-3	NA	40	-10	
rtr-4	NA	40	30
rtr-5	NA	60	10	
root	NA	80	10	


# from	    to		capacity	metric	delay	queue
leaf-1	    rtr-1	10Mbps		1	2ms	1000
leaf-2	    rtr-1	10Mbps		1	2ms	1000
leaf-3	    rtr-2	10Mbps		1	2ms	1000
leaf-4	    rtr-2	10Mbps		1	2ms	1000
rtr-1	    rtr-2	10Mbps		1	2ms	1000
rtr-1	    rtr-3	10Mbps		1	2ms	1000
rtr-1	    rtr-5	10Mbps		1	2ms	1000
rtr-2	    rtr-4	10Mbps		1	2ms	1000
rtr-2	    rtr-5	10Mbps		1	2ms	1000
leaf-5	    rtr-3	10Mbps		1	2ms	1000
leaf-6	    rtr-4	10Mbps		1	2ms	1000
rtr-3	    rtr-5	10Mbps		1	2ms	1000
rtr-4	    rtr-5	10Mbps		1	2ms	1000
rtr-5	    root	10Mbps		1	2ms	1000
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