[ndnSIM] Exception while creating face (converting face-uri to canonical form)

Junxiao Shi shijunxiao at email.arizona.edu
Sat Jan 2 04:10:40 PST 2016

Hi Anil

It's NLSR's choice to always canonize a FaceUri. It doesn't have to.
ndn-cxx provides FaceUri::isCanonical() method to determine whether a
FaceUri is already canonical.

udp:// is not a canonical FaceUri. See
http://redmine.named-data.net/projects/nfd/wiki/FaceMgmt "FaceUri UDP"

FaceManager reports 501 "unsupported protocol" for udp4 FaceUri because
ndnSIM does not yet support UDP faces. Watch
http://redmine.named-data.net/issues/2371 for progress.

Yours, Junxiao

On Jan 2, 2016 03:09, "Anil Jangam" <anilj.mailing at gmail.com> wrote:
> I also did not understand why it is still trying to convert into a
canonical format when a valid IP address provided. If you see the log on
line #494, you will realize.
> I also observed that it always expected the IP address:port combination
with "udp4" as scheme. It did not work with "udp". I am referring to this -
udp:// (remote-port defaults to 6363). It did not take the default
port 6363 by default. All my neighbouring nodes are remote node in NLSR
test set up.
> 494 191s FaceController:onCanonizeSuccess(): Converted udp4:// to canonical form: udp4://
> 495 191s FaceController:createFaceInNfd(): Creating Face in NFD with
face-uri: udp4://
> 496 191s Fib:registerPrefix(): Registering prefix:
/ndn/edu/umbc/%C1.Router/cs/mctr Face Uri: udp4://
> 497 191s FaceController:createFace(): Converting udp4:// to
canonical form
> 498 191s FaceController:onCanonizeSuccess(): Converted udp4:// to canonical form: udp4://
> 499 191s FaceController:createFaceInNfd(): Creating Face in NFD with
face-uri: udp4://
> 500 191s HelloProtocol:scheduleInterest(): Scheduling HELLO Interests in
60 seconds
> 501 191s HelloProtocol:onRegistrationFailure(): Unsupported protocol
(code: 501)
> 502 191s HelloProtocol:onRegistrationFailure(): Unsupported protocol
(code: 501)
> 503 191s HelloProtocol:onRegistrationFailure(): Unsupported protocol
(code: 501)
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