[ndnSIM] interest=/localhost/nfd/faces/events/%FE%05 ?

Carl Zu carlzu8 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 23 06:29:21 PST 2016

Hi !

there are some interests that come in between ordinary interests. For
example, look at the two types of interest messages in the following logs.
Type 1 is clearly an interest sent for retrieving a content object with a
certain prefix. What is interest type 2 ?

*Type1: *
2s 0 nfd.Forwarder:onOutgoingInterest(): [DEBUG] onOutgoingInterest
face=256 interest=/prefix/%FE%00

2s 0 nfd.Forwarder:onIncomingInterest(): [DEBUG] onIncomingInterest
face=257 interest=/localhost/nfd/faces/events/%FE%05

Thanks very much.
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