[ndnSIM] a question about PIT in ndnsim

Zeinab Rezaiefar z.rezaiefar at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 2 23:49:21 PST 2015

I would like to say that I want to modify PIT in ndnsim code.
as I know in normal case in PIT when the interest message is satisfied by content message, it will be omitted from this table. 
However, I want to not omit this message when the related content will be received, but it will be omitted just after expire time. moreover, I want to save the receiving time of each Interest message separately although these messages are related to one content either from same or different interfaces.
I have looked the pit.cpp code but unfortunately I have not understood where I should change.
I become so thankful if you help me or send me some document that explains the content store code written in the ndnsim in detail.
any help will be appreciate
thanks in advance
best regards
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