[ndnSIM] Modify/Read payload content & Read the content in cache

Kanin Assantachai kanin at inl.ics.keio.ac.jp
Sun May 24 22:23:03 PDT 2015

Dear everyone,

As I have figured out the solutions to my own questions already, I would 
like to contribute some knowledge back to the community as well since I 
have received a lot of suggestions here. Feel free to modify these to 
suit your needs. :)

1. Modify packet payload (implemented in ndn-producer.cc)

std::string string = "payloadString";                      // payload 
content to be added
data = Create<Data> (Create<Packet> (reinterpret_cast<const 
uint8_t*>(&string[0]), string.size()));    // create data packet using 
the value of "string" variable

2. Read payload content (implemented in ndn-consumer.cc)

int payloadSize = data->GetPayload ()->GetSize ();
std::string content = "";
   for (int i=0; i<payloadSize; i++){     // allocate the same number of 
characters as the number of characters in the payload
      content = content + ".";
()->CopyData(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&content[0]), content.size());
   std::cout << "Received payload content: " << content << std::endl;

3. Read name of content in cache (actually implemented in 
ndn-producer.cc not lru-policy.h)

Ptr<ContentStore> cs = GetNode ()->GetObject<ContentStore> ();
Ptr<cs::Entry> current = cs->Begin ();        // can iterate to another 
content store entry before printing its name
std::string string;
string = string + current->GetName ().toUri ();
std::cout << "Content name: " << string << std::endl;

Hope this helps those who are looking to do something similar!

Kanin Assantachai

On 17-May-15 1:22 AM, Kanin Assantachai wrote:
> Dear Alex / Spyridon,
> Currently I am working with various parts of the simulator (version 
> 1.1) related to its caching mechanism. I need your kind help for the 
> following questions.
> 1. I would like to modify the payload of packets sent by the producer 
> app. My current approach is to change this part of code in the 
> OnInterest() function of ndn-producer.cc:
> Ptr<Data> data = Create<Data> (Create<Packet> (m_virtualPayloadSize));
> to
> std::string string = "Hello";
> Ptr<Data> data = Create<Data> (Create<Packet> (reinterpret_cast<const 
> uint8_t*>(&string[0]), 5));
> I want to firstly check if this simple way works. Even though the code 
> is compiled without an error, I have a difficulty checking whether the 
> payload of the packet really carries this string "Hello". So far, I 
> add this code to the OnData() function of ndn-consumer.cc to try to 
> read the content of the payload:
> data->GetPayload ()->Print (std::cout);
> It only outputs the size of the payload in the terminal. I have tried 
> reading this previous archive about reading the content of payload but 
> still cannot solve this problem: 
> http://www.lists.cs.ucla.edu/pipermail/ndnsim/2015-January/001501.html
> In summary, my questions are whether my simple method in adding a 
> specific string to the payload works, and which function (or other 
> approach) can I use to really see the real content (string) of the 
> payload?
> 2. I would like to get the latest content which has just been added to 
> the LRU cache. So in the file "lru-policy.h", after this line of code 
> in the insert() function:
> policy_container::push_back (*item);
> I tried adding this line of code to read the newly added content:
> std::cout << "Item added: " << policy_container::end 
> ()->payload()->GetName() << std::endl;
> When I compile the file, I get an error saying that the compiler 
> cannot recognize the GetName() function. I wonder if I need to 
> #include other files. My reference is this archive: 
> http://www.lists.cs.ucla.edu/pipermail/ndnsim/2014-July/001329.html
> Thank you for your help in advance.
> Sincerely,
> Kanin Assantachai

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