[ndnSIM] How can I get PIT list in Forwarder?

ohnishi.ryota at jp.panasonic.com ohnishi.ryota at jp.panasonic.com
Fri Jun 26 03:36:59 PDT 2015

Dear All,

I want to check PIT list when data arrive to the router.
So I added 2 lines to the onIncomingData part in forwarder.cpp.

  const nfd::Pit::const_iterator pit_iterator = m_pit.begin();
  const pit::InRecordCollection& inRecords = (*pit_iterator).getInRecords();                

But when I run the ndn-simple scenario, the process was terminated
due to the segmentation fault which caused by getInRecords method. 

Could anyone tell me the appropriate way to check PIT list when data arrive on router?


Ryota Ohnishi

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