[ndnSIM] boost issue ndnSIM with Mac OS X

Junaid Ahmed Khan junaidkhanfastian at gmail.com
Wed Sep 3 15:20:27 PDT 2014

Hello Everyone, 

I am trying to build ndnSIM in Mac OS X. I am unable to compile and having issues with boost. I installed latest boost version along with the iostream libraries. I followed all the instructions regarding the issue on the ndnSIM website and other boost issue related website but still I could not figure out the problem. My build log is as follows:

Junaids-MacBook-Pro:ns-3 junaidahmedkhan$ ./waf configure --boost-includes=$BOOSTDIR/include --boost-libs=$BOOSTDIR/lib --enable-examples --enable-ndn-plugins=topology,mobility
Setting top to                           : /Users/junaidahmedkhan/Desktop/ndnSIM/ns-3 
Setting out to                           : /Users/junaidahmedkhan/Desktop/ndnSIM/ns-3/build 
Checking for 'gcc' (c compiler)          : /usr/bin/gcc 
Checking for cc version                  : 4.2.1 
Checking for 'g++' (c++ compiler)        : /usr/bin/g++ 
Checking for program python              : /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Resources/Python.app/Contents/MacOS/Python 
Checking for python version              : (2, 7, 7, 'final', 0) 
Checking for library python2.7 in LIBDIR : yes 
Checking for program python-config       : /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/python2.7-config 
Checking for header Python.h             : yes 
Checking for compilation flag -fvisibility=hidden... support : ok 
Checking for compilation flag -Wno-array-bounds... support   : not found 
Checking for pybindgen location                              : ../pybindgen (guessed) 
Checking for python module 'pybindgen'                       : ok 
Checking for pybindgen version                               : 
Checking for types uint64_t and unsigned long equivalence    : no 
Checking for types uint64_t and unsigned long long equivalence : yes 
Checking for the apidefs that can be used for Python bindings  : gcc-ILP32 
Checking for internal GCC cxxabi                               : incomplete 
Checking for python module 'pygccxml'                          : not found 
Checking boost includes                                        : ok 
Checking boost libs                                            : ok 
Checking for boost linkage                                     : ok 
Checking for click location                                    : not found 
Checking for program pkg-config                                : /opt/local/bin/pkg-config 
Checking for 'gtk+-2.0' >= 2.12                                : yes 
Checking for 'libxml-2.0' >= 2.7                               : yes 
Checking for type uint128_t                                    : not found 
Checking for type __uint128_t                                  : yes 
Checking high precision time implementation                    : 128-bit integer 
Checking for header stdint.h                                   : yes 
Checking for header inttypes.h                                 : yes 
Checking for header sys/inttypes.h                             : not found 
Checking for header sys/types.h                                : yes 
Checking for header sys/stat.h                                 : yes 
Checking for header dirent.h                                   : yes 
Checking for header stdlib.h                                   : yes 
Checking for header signal.h                                   : yes 
Checking for header pthread.h                                  : yes 
Checking for header stdint.h                                   : yes 
Checking for header inttypes.h                                 : yes 
Checking for header sys/inttypes.h                             : not found 
Checking for library rt                                        : not found 
Checking for header netpacket/packet.h                         : not found 
Checking for header sys/ioctl.h                                : yes 
Checking for header net/if.h                                   : not found 
Checking for header net/ethernet.h                             : yes 
Checking for header linux/if_tun.h                             : not found 
Checking for header netpacket/packet.h                         : not found 
Checking for NSC location                                      : not found 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/junaidahmedkhan/Desktop/ndnSIM/ns-3/.waf-1.7.11-2f760793a9090bf35f69082a250595d9/waflib/Scripting.py", line 97, in waf_entry_point
  File "/Users/junaidahmedkhan/Desktop/ndnSIM/ns-3/.waf-1.7.11-2f760793a9090bf35f69082a250595d9/waflib/Scripting.py", line 153, in run_commands
  File "/Users/junaidahmedkhan/Desktop/ndnSIM/ns-3/.waf-1.7.11-2f760793a9090bf35f69082a250595d9/waflib/Scripting.py", line 146, in run_command
  File "/Users/junaidahmedkhan/Desktop/ndnSIM/ns-3/.waf-1.7.11-2f760793a9090bf35f69082a250595d9/waflib/Configure.py", line 128, in execute
  File "/Users/junaidahmedkhan/Desktop/ndnSIM/ns-3/.waf-1.7.11-2f760793a9090bf35f69082a250595d9/waflib/Context.py", line 87, in execute
  File "/Users/junaidahmedkhan/Desktop/ndnSIM/ns-3/.waf-1.7.11-2f760793a9090bf35f69082a250595d9/waflib/Context.py", line 128, in recurse
  File "/Users/junaidahmedkhan/Desktop/ndnSIM/ns-3/wscript", line 371, in configure
  File "/Users/junaidahmedkhan/Desktop/ndnSIM/ns-3/.waf-1.7.11-2f760793a9090bf35f69082a250595d9/waflib/Context.py", line 128, in recurse
  File "/Users/junaidahmedkhan/Desktop/ndnSIM/ns-3/src/wscript", line 63, in configure
    conf.recurse(module, mandatory=False)
  File "/Users/junaidahmedkhan/Desktop/ndnSIM/ns-3/.waf-1.7.11-2f760793a9090bf35f69082a250595d9/waflib/Context.py", line 128, in recurse
  File "/Users/junaidahmedkhan/Desktop/ndnSIM/ns-3/src/ndnSIM/wscript", line 64, in configure
    boost_version = conf.env.BOOST_VERSION.split('_')
AttributeError: 'bool' object has no attribute ‘split'

Looking forward for your kind response?


Kind Regards,

Junaid Ahmed Khan

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