[ndnSIM] Question for the course of packet trnamitting

aaronishere at qq.com aaronishere at qq.com
Sat May 17 05:00:03 PDT 2014

Hi, Alex

I'm confused about how the packet is transmitted in ndnSIM. Take the forwarder as example. When sending the interest, the forwader calls the function [outFace->SendInterest (interest);] in forwardingstrategy.cc, which then calls the funtion [Send (Wire::FromInterest (interest));] in face.cc. However,  [Send (Wire::FromInterest (interest));] seems only to re-construct the packet. I wonder how the packet is sent from the fowarder to another. I feel that there shoud be some functions which call m_fowardingStrategy->Oninterest so that the packet call be sent to the next forwarder, but I did not find it.
The same question also is for the counsumer and producers. Take the forwarder as example.  When sending the interest, the consumer calls the [m_face->ReceiveInterest (interest);] and then, how the interest is sent to the forwarder?

Thanks in advance!

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