[ndnSIM] question about FIB,CS, PIT

Azar Fazel azarmehr65 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 27 23:23:12 PDT 2014

Hi Alex

I'm new in ndnsim and am trying to run a scenario to see the behavior of
CS, FIB and PIT. In this scenario I have one consumer and two producers in
a 9 grid topology. There is a list of prefixes that every time consumer
selects one of them randomly. Every producer that has that prefix will
response to this request. Before sending the requests, I have assigned some
of the prefixes to producer 1 and some of them to producer 2 ( by using
SetAttribuyes, Install and Addorigins methods). and I think these prefixes
are actually the FIB entries for each producer. but when I print the FIB
table, the entries does not make any sense, they are not what I expect.
Can you please help me, how can I implement a scenario to see the
functionality of CS, FIB and PIT together.

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