[ndnSIM] Where to pull the correct pybindgen from?

Anil Jangam anilj.mailing at gmail.com
Sat Aug 9 00:28:09 PDT 2014

While configuring the ndnSIM, it gives the following message.

Checking for python module 'pybindgen'                       :
Checking for pybindgen version                               :
pybindgen (found, (need

Ultimately, it throws an warning message in the summary as below.

---- Summary of optional NS-3 features:
Python Bindings               : not enabled (PyBindGen version not correct
and newer version could not be retrieved)

Now, we are using the pybindgen version that is provided in the git repo in
the install steps; however it seems that it is hosting an incompatible

How to resolve this? Can someone pls comment on this?
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