[ndnSIM] How to trace the interest accessing each node?

Saran Tarnoi sarantarnoi at gmail.com
Wed May 29 23:40:42 PDT 2013

Dear Alex and All,

I would like to record the interests and their numbers that access each
Specifically, I want to study the characteristic of the interest traffic at
different nodes.
I tried observing the received packets at each face in ndn:Face but I could
neither get the header nor type of the packet.
I followed this code (
but it didn't work.

To add header to a packet, we can do:
packet->AddHeader (interestHeader);

Is there any way to do:
packet->GetContentName ();
packet->GetType ();
and get the output like:
"Interest or Data"

Would you kindly tell me how can I get that information?
Thanks in advance for your time.

Saran Tarnoi
Graduate Student
Department of Informatics
The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (Sokendai)
Tokyo, Japan
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