[Mini-NDN] [EXT] Some Questions regarding MiniNDN

Junxiao Shi shijunxiao at email.arizona.edu
Sun Oct 18 15:04:58 PDT 2020

Hi Anurag

> I have a few questions regarding MiniNDN.
> 1. Is it necessary to advertise data before other nodes can request it
> using an interest packet?


> 2. Can chunks of data from a big file be transported to a destination
> along different paths from the same source? How does the destination
> reassemble the chunks which are potentially out of order?

In a segmented object, each segment packet name has the segment number. If
a later segment arrives early, the consumer can buffer that segment until
after all previous segments have been outputted.

> 3. Can we modify the topology, latency, and throughput of links
> dynamically i.e while the simulator is running?

Yes, it's possible using Mini-NDN mid-level API.

> 4. If we request data and it is in the CS of two adjacent nodes that have
> links to the destination, can we draw the chunks from both sources at the
> same time to increase throughput? If yes, how would I be able to check this?

It's possible, but most strategies do not behave in this way. Today's
strategies are mostly designed to minimize round trip time. They would
either use only one source or jump between two sources.

I noticed that NFD 0.7.1 has a "random strategy" that may work close to
what you imagined.

> 5. I can't seem to get 'ndnpeek' and 'ndnpoke' to work properly. It would
> be great if someone could give me an example of how the commands are used.

hostA bash -c 'nlsrc advertise /A'
hostA bash -c 'echo hello from hostA | ndnpoke /A'
hostB bash -c 'ndnpeek /A'

Yours, Junxiao

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