[Mini-NDN] Request for help: how to compute interest satisfaction delay?

Saurab Dulal (sdulal) sdulal at memphis.edu
Mon Jul 20 11:03:08 PDT 2020

All the ndn log files start with a Unix timestamp, the highlighted number in the example below.

e.g. 1595204663.644518 IP >, UDP, length 510, DATA:

You can use that timestamp to compute the delays of the interest-data exchange. The time difference when the interest was sent and the data for that particular interest was received back will give you the delay.

Saurab Dulal

From: Mini-NDN <mini-ndn-bounces at lists.cs.ucla.edu> on behalf of Nazatul Haque Sultan via Mini-NDN <mini-ndn at lists.cs.ucla.edu>
Sent: Monday, July 20, 2020 6:36 AM
To: sepehr abdous via Mini-NDN <mini-ndn at lists.cs.ucla.edu>
Subject: Re: [Mini-NDN] Request for help: how to compute interest satisfaction delay?

One correction in my earlier email:

*** My goal is to compute the delay between sending an interest request by consumer B and getting back the corresponding requested data packet. There is more than one cached enable routers (nodes) between producer A and consumer B.

On Mon, Jul 20, 2020 at 10:47 AM Nazatul Haque Sultan <nazatulhaque.sultan at gmail.com<mailto:nazatulhaque.sultan at gmail.com>> wrote:
Dear NDN community,

I have designed a simple topology where a producer (say node A) generates contents using "ndnputchunks" and a consumer (say node B) requests those contents using "ndncatchunks". I am using "ndndump" on nodes A and B.

ndn.net<http://ndn.net>['A'].cmd("ndnputchunks -p /localhost/demo/gpl3 < /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3 &")
ndn.net<http://ndn.net>['A'].cmd("sudo ndndump -v> outA &")
ndn.net<http://ndn.net>['B'].cmd("ndncatchunks /localhost/demo/gpl3 &")
ndn.net<http://ndn.net>['B'].cmd("sudo ndndump -v> outB &")

My goal is to compute the delay between sending an interest request by the consumer A and getting back the corresponding requested data packet.

I do not understand where to find this metric in the dump files. Can someone give me any advice on this? Am I missing something here?

I have attached the consumer and producers dump files.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Best Regards,
Nazatul Haque Sultan
Research Associate
University of Newcastle, Australia

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