[Mini-NDN] Consumer is not receiving the data (MiniNdn)

Percy Perez Aruni pdpa at st-andrews.ac.uk
Sun Feb 28 16:09:07 PST 2016

Hi dear MiniNdn team

I am interested in using MiniNdn for an initial basic experiment between
three nodes: a consumer , a forwarder and a producer.  It is highly
possible that I am missing something,  but the consumer is not receiving
the data from the producer.

Could I ask for some advice of how this could be achieved by using

*Some details below:*

1.- Topology:  c <-> f <-> p

  where  c = consumer, f = forwarder, p =producer

2.- ExperimentClass:

from ndn.experiments.experiment import  Experiment

class Experiment1(Experiment):
    def __init__(self,args):
        Experiment.__init__(self, args)
    def run(self):
        if host.name == "p":
              host.cmd("echo test1 | ndnpoke /ndn/edu/p &")
        if host.name == "c":
              print host.cmd("ndnpeek -p /ndn/edu/p")
Experiment.register("peek-poke", Experiment1)

3.- Running as root:

#./install.sh -i; minindn --experiment=peek-poke --ctime=20

4.- "NLSR has successfully converged"

Thank you in advance for your time and help

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