[Nfd-dev] Review request for incoming data processing

Alex Afanasyev aa at cs.fiu.edu
Tue Nov 17 10:57:36 PST 2020

While reviewing our current implementation of the incoming data processing pipeline, I noticed a difference on how we deal with data matching a single PIT entry and multiple PIT entries.  Quite frankly, I have completely forgotten our previous discussions regarding this difference, but I'm not sure, at this time, can fully comprehend the reasoning for a difference.   The only difference, as far as I can see, is that strategy either going to receive "afterReceivedData" trigger or "beforeSatisfyInterest" trigger... yet it has to be prepare to receive both.

My quick glance in strategy implementation shows:

- access-strategy overrides only beforeSatisfyInterest; afterRecieveData is kept from the base class and will invoke beforeSatisfyInterest + sends data

- asf-strategy the same. only beforeSatisfyInterest is implemented, leaving base class afterRetreiveData to call beforeSatisfyInterest

- ncc-strategy the same

- self-learning strategy (the merged code) overrides ONLY afterReceiveData. Unless I'm missing it, it basically will be failing in the case multiple PIT entries will match (intentional or a bug?)

- other strategies in mainstrem NFD don't override either. Cannot say for experimental strategies in ndnSIM forks.

My objective for this email to remember the reason why we did this and maybe re-evaluate the decision, as it doesn't look too obvious to me and potentially error prone.

Alex Afanasyev
Assistant Professor, SCIS, Florida International University
11200 SW 8th Street, PG6 Room 140D, Miami, FL 33199
phone: +1.305.348.4960 (office); email: aa at cs.fiu.edu
web: https://users.cs.fiu.edu/~afanasyev/

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