[Nfd-dev] Fwd: ndn-cxx error on CentOs

Junxiao Shi shijunxiao at email.arizona.edu
Wed May 7 13:12:18 PDT 2014

Hi Ashlesh

The log snippet shows that libboost_filesystem-mt.so is picked. It is
likely a symbolic link to libboost_filesystem-mt.so.5 which is part of
Boost 1.41.
Please delete all Boost versions prior to 1.55, including libraries and

Alternatively, you may install Boost 1.55 libraries to a different path,
and supply a "--boost-libs" option to waf configure.

Yours, Junxiao

Checking boost libs
Found the boost path in /usr/lib with the libraries:
Trying pattern boost_filesystem(-gcc[0-9]{0,3})+(-1_55)+
Trying pattern boost_filesystem(-1_55)+
Trying pattern boost_filesystem(-1_55)+
Trying pattern boost_filesystem(-gcc[0-9]{0,3})+
Trying pattern boost_filesystem
Found boost lib libboost_filesystem-mt.so
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