[ndnSIM] integrate blockchain with NDN

Lixia Zhang lixia at cs.ucla.edu
Tue Oct 29 07:41:13 PDT 2024

> On Oct 29, 2024, at 12:21 AM, Asim ALHIMSYA <asim.alhimsya at gmail.com> wrote:
> I am currently working on developing a security mechanism aimed at detecting and preventing interest flooding attacks using blockchain technology.

(I prefer to call anonymous ledger as blockchain and permission-based ledger as ledger, to distinguish the two)

in addition to Mark's comment: I wonder what you see as the necessity of using an immutable ledger in this context?  
A ledger could serve as a logger.
But it sounds like you were thinking using it for communication among involved parties?  how "real time" would the design get?
> As part of my research, I am particularly interested in learning how to effectively integrate a ledger blockchain into the ndnSIM framework.
> Your expertise in this area would be invaluable, and I would greatly appreciate any guidance or resources you could provide on this topic.
> On Tue, Oct 29, 2024 at 4:23 AM Lixia Zhang <lixia at cs.ucla.edu <mailto:lixia at cs.ucla.edu>> wrote:
>>> On Oct 28, 2024, at 8:24 AM, Asim ALHIMSYA <asim.alhimsya at gmail.com <mailto:asim.alhimsya at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> Yes, sure. I'm talking about distributed permission-based ledger.
>> sounds good. Next question is what you have in mind about "*inject* blockchain technology *into* ndnSIM simulator": Isn't a permission-based ledger a higher level protocol/app?
>> ndnSIM largely handles network level functions as one can see from the attached figure, which is copied from the paper "On the Evolution of ndnSIM: an Open-Source Simulator for NDN Experimentation" 
>> https://named-data.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/ccr17-ndnsim.pdf
>>> On Mon, Oct 28, 2024 at 5:25 PM Lixia Zhang <lixia at cs.ucla.edu <mailto:lixia at cs.ucla.edu>> wrote:
>>>> > On Oct 28, 2024, at 1:47 AM, Asim ALHIMSYA via ndnSIM <ndnsim at lists.cs.ucla.edu <mailto:ndnsim at lists.cs.ucla.edu>> wrote:
>>>> > 
>>>> > Dear Researchers 
>>>> > 
>>>> > I'm reaching out to ask about how can we inject blockchain technology into ndnSIM simulator.
>>>> could you spell out whether you are talking permission-based ledger, or anonymous blockchain?

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