[ndnSIM] Assert Failed Error

Sai Gautam Mandapati saigautam96 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 6 19:38:46 PST 2023

Hello everyone,

I have been getting the following error

error: assert failed. cond="uid != 0", msg="Assert in TypeId::LookupByName:
ns3::ndn::Attacker not found", file=../src/core/model/type-id.cc, line=828
terminate called without an active exception.

Scenario: I have Attacker.cpp and Attacker.hpp files and I have placed them
into the newly created folder "ndn-attack" inside the "examples" folder of
ndnSIM.I have my-scenario.cpp outside in the examples folder. When I run my
scenario it gives me the above error.

FYI, I have also added the line: NS_OBJECT_ENSURE_REGISTERED(Attacker); in
my Attacker.cpp but I'm still getting the error.

Please help me resolve this error.

Sai Gautam
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