[ndnSIM] Issue with Timed out Interests and Satisfied Interests

Sai Gautam Mandapati saigautam96 at gmail.com
Sun May 22 22:30:33 PDT 2022

Hi everyone,

So, I have been using L3RateTracer for tracing through my code. In my code,
I have five consumers who send interest packets at a frequency ranging from
1000-to 2200 during 15-30 seconds(5 Different prefixes) of 45 seconds
simulation. Six consumers at an interest frequency of 500 start from 2
Seconds and run for the entire simulation time. When the tracer prints the
file, I can see that OutSatisfiedIntersts on all interfaces before the five
consumers start sending the packets is always 0. Once the other six sets of
consumers start at 15sec, I see the change in the behaviour and get
OutTimedInterets is high, and OutSatifisfiedInterests is low. In the
simulation, I'm using ZipfMandelbrot for all the users. I'm trying to get
my head around this and understand

Why am I getting no satisfying interests when there is only consumer
traffic in the network?

Can anyone please explain what is happening here? Thanks in advance.

Sai Gautam
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