[ndnSIM] msg="Assert in TypeId::LookupByName: ns3::DropTailQueue not found"

刘振 zhenliu0603 at 163.com
Mon Oct 4 01:50:13 PDT 2021

I am running an example that includes mobile nodes and non-mobile nodes. When I use the topologyreader function to read the topology file, I get an error:
assert failed. cond="uid != 0", msg="Assert in TypeId::LookupByName: ns3::DropTailQueue not found", file=../src/core/model/type-id.cc, line=827
terminate called without an active exception
When I delete the topologyreader function and generate nodes directly in the .cpp file, the error disappears, but then I can’t specify the location of the node through the topology file.
How should I solve this error and read the topology file correctly?

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