[ndnSIM] [EXT] Neural networks in ndnSIM

Junxiao Shi shijunxiao at email.arizona.edu
Sat May 8 06:24:19 PDT 2021

Hi Eric

> I'm trying to implement a neural network to do forwarding in ndnSIM. I
> know this is possible to do in ndnSIM because these papers do it:
> https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/18/10/3354/htm,
> https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3229543.3229547.
> Does anyone have any recommendations on how to implement a neural network?
> If possible, I would like to do it in Python even though most of the ndnSIM
> code is in C++. Is it possible to use the Python bindings to write a
> forwarding strategy in Python, so that I can use a neural network library
> like keras?

Forwarding strategy is normally a C++ class that is called synchronously.
C++ code can invoke Python synchronously.
Implementing part of the forwarding strategy logic in Python wouldn't be
easy or performant, but I don't see major roadblock.
It would not be a "binding" though, because a "binding" typically refers to
calling C++ code from Python, not the other way around.

Another possibility is performing machine learning asynchronously.
In this approach, the forwarding strategy (C++) and the neural network
(Python) share a common data structure, but do not interact with each other
on a per packet basis.
The forwarding strategy makes immediate decisions based on what's already
in the data structure, and stores the outcome (e.g. satisfy ratio and RTT)
into the data structure.
The neural network periodically reads from the date structure, does its
magic, and writes to the data structure to influence future forwarding

Yours, Junxiao

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