[ndnSIM] Issue with writing custom nametree

Swetha B swetab26 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 4 21:01:11 PDT 2020

Hi all,
I am implementing NDN tables indexing using closed hashing with linear
probing in ndnSIM2.7.
To achieve that I modified name-tree-hashtable.cpp and
After modifications i am able to successfully run producer consumer
In my custom scenario i am accessing FIB table of a node to insert a prefix
and later execute consumer producer applications using that prefix.

auto& fib1 = node1->GetObject<ndn::L3Protocol>()->getForwarder()->getFib();
  auto e = fib1.insert(prefix).first;

When i execute this scenario i see that visualizer is'nt working and also
the regular setup FIB tables on nodes is'nt taking place. I have shared a
snapshot of execution.

swetha at swetha-Ubuntu:~/Desktop/ndnSIM/ndnSIM-sample-topologies$
NS_LOG="ndn-cxx.nfd.NameTreeHashtable:ndn.FibHelper:ndn.L3Protocol" ./waf
--run=ndn-simple --vis
Waf: Entering directory
[23/34] cxx: scenarios/ndn-simple.cc -> build/scenarios/ndn-simple.cc.12.o
[34/34] cxxprogram: build/scenarios/ndn-simple.cc.12.o -> build/ndn-simple
Waf: Leaving directory
'build' finished successfully (6.937s)
+0.000000000s 0 ndn.L3Protocol:L3Protocol(0x555bd319c4e0)
+0.000000000s 0 ndn-cxx.nfd.NameTreeHashtable:computeThresholds(): [LOGIC]
thresholds expand=512 shrink=102
+0.000000000s 0 ndn-cxx.nfd.NameTreeHashtable:findOrInsert(): [LOGIC]
insert / hash=0 bucket=0
+0.000000000s 0 ndn-cxx.nfd.NameTreeHashtable:findOrInsert(): [LOGIC]
insert /ndn hash=6181921638449679482 bucket=122
+0.000000000s 0 ndn-cxx.nfd.NameTreeHashtable:findOrInsert(): [LOGIC]
insert /ndn/multicast hash=18240561258910134669 bucket=397
+0.000000000s 0 ndn-cxx.nfd.NameTreeHashtable:findOrInsert(): [LOGIC]
insert /localhost hash=10937169108514740553 bucket=329
+0.000000000s 0 ndn-cxx.nfd.NameTreeHashtable:findOrInsert(): [LOGIC]
insert /localhost/nfd hash=3626199823732152002 bucket=706

swetha at swetha-Ubuntu:~/Desktop/ndnSIM/ndnSIM-sample-topologies$

  I m grateful for any thoughts and advice regarding where i am going wrong
in this.

Swetha B.
Research Scholar
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