[ndnSIM] Adding new packet fields

nabil khemache khemache.nabil at gmail.com
Sat May 16 22:32:06 PDT 2020

Hi everyone,

I just add Tags (common types) in my packets and it worked very well,
thanks to the advices i did found here in the archives.

But when i tired to set specific type of Tags, which is in my case the
position of the sending node (Vector3D), i had to create a new class to
implement the Encode and Decode functions.

I'm not very familiar with the concept, i just understood that the encode
method had to compute the  size of the field, and the Decode is to convert
from a const unit8_t value read from the Block to the field type we want.
Am i right?

You can find here all the files that i modified, and new one called
Position.hpp and Position.cpp


i had this error when trying to setTag in the Interest packet :

terminate called after throwing an instance of
  what():  TLV-LENGTH doesn't match buffer size

I don't really know what i am missing or misunderstanding, i think i might
encode or decode my field in a wrong way.

Your help is, as always, very important to me.

thanks in advance et best regards

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