[ndnSIM] Install ndnSIM 2.1

Renato Cavalcante renato.frca at gmail.com
Tue Jan 8 16:19:10 PST 2019

Dear all,

I need to install ndnSIM 2.1 and I am facing some problems.
I am following the steps below, after install all the prerequisites in
Ubuntu 14.04.

mkdir ndnSIM
cd ndnSIM
git clone https://github.com/named-data-ndnSIM/ns-3-dev.git ns-3
cd ns-3; git checkout ns-3.23-dev-ndnSIM-2.1

git clone https://github.com/named-data-ndnSIM/pybindgen.git pybindgen

git clone --recursive https://github.com/named-data-ndnSIM/ndnSIM.git
cd ns-3/src/ndnSIM; git checkout ndnSIM-2.1

when I run:
cd <ns-3-folder>
./waf configure --enable-examples

This causes the following error:

I tried to follow these tips (
but they also do not work.

Can someone help me?

Renato Araújo
Computer Science Department
UFBA -- Brazil
Lattes <http://lattes.cnpq.br/3102385411862897> | pingall
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