[ndnSIM] Doubts regarding NACK: Could not detect NACK

madhurima buragohain madhurimajya at gmail.com
Mon Sep 17 19:55:36 PDT 2018

I want to send a NACK to the downstream when the PIT approaches it limit

Forwarder::onIncomingInterest(Face& inFace, const Interest& interest)
if (m_pit.size()< 20)
lp::Nack nack(interest);
nack.setReason(lp::NackReason::X );

But when I want to print a statement in the below function:
Forwarder::onIncomingNack(Face& inFace, const lp::Nack& nack)

    std::cout <<"\nNACK is received\n";


The statement is not printed.
I could not figure out the reason. Could anyone please help me?

PS: I have modified the nack-header.cpp file for introducing new NACK X.
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