[ndnSIM] L2 rate tracer using R and gnuplot

sobia Mirza sobia.mirza88 at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 28 00:51:05 PDT 2018

1.I run following command into terminal and in ndnsim ns-3 folder
Rscript src/ndnSIM/examples/graphs/rate-graph.R

It shows following error: 

Error in library(doBy) : there is no package called ‘doBy’
Execution halted

I have tried to install doBY package. Can you tell me its exact method to resolve this error ?if above mentioned command has to run in terminal.

2.  When I run it into R shell it gives me following error

Error: unexpected symbol in "Rscript src"


    On Wednesday, 28 March 2018, 9:36, Spyridon (Spyros) Mastorakis <mastorakis at cs.ucla.edu> wrote:

 The former should work, but you can try both options.
Spyridon (Spyros) Mastorakis
Personal Website: http://cs.ucla.edu/~mastorakis/
Internet Research Laboratory
Computer Science Department

On Mar 27, 2018, at 12:31 PM, sobia Mirza <sobia.mirza88 at yahoo.com> wrote:
In terminal? Or in R shell? 
 On Tue, 27 Mar, 2018 at 23:39, Spyridon (Spyros) Mastorakis<mastorakis at cs.ucla.edu> wrote:  Hi,

assuming that you have an R script named “rate-graph.R" under the "src/ndnSIM/examples/graphs" directory, you just have to run the command: 
Rscript src/ndnSIM/examples/graphs/rate-graph.R


Spyridon (Spyros) Mastorakis
Personal Website: http://cs.ucla.edu/~mastorakis/
Internet Research Laboratory
Computer Science Department

> On Mar 27, 2018, at 6:03 AM, sobia Mirza <sobia.mirza88 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Respected fellows
> How can i run the following command on terminal to see the graph? What i need to install??? I have installed 'R'.
> But i need to know how to use it if this command has to run inside R shell.
> Any help would be great for the solution towards its exact implementation is highly appereciated.
> Thanks in advance
> Rscript src/ndnSIM/examples/graphs/rate-graph.R

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