[ndnSIM] CFP: IEEE ICC 2018 ICN-SRA Workshop (Extended deadline: Jan 10, 2018)
Alex Afanasyev
aa at cs.fiu.edu
Wed Jan 3 08:34:41 PST 2018
**Extended Deadline: January 10, 2018**
IEEE ICC 2018 3rd Workshop on Information Centric Networking Solutions for Real World Applications
May 20, 2018, Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Internet communication has evolved from the end-to-end model
represented by applications like telnet and towards the content
distribution model represented by applications like video streaming
and file sharing. Such dramatic shift is particularly challenging to
the existing IP model given the mismatch between its host-centric
approach to networking and the content-centric approach embraced by
today’s applications. The recently emerged Information-Centric
Networking (ICN) paradigm and its most prominent realization Named
Data Networking (NDN) provide an efficient communication model for
today’s and future applications. Within the last few years, ICN/NDN
has evolved from the basic research phase and into the applied
research phase to address real world problems including industrial
control systems, scientific applications, as well as tactical network
environments. The core building blocks of ICN/NDN provide features
such as application-defined hierarchical naming, built-in security,
stateful forwarding (which enables network intelligence and packet
loop suppression), in-network caching, and organic multicast
support. These ICN/NDN features enable more efficient communication,
better resilience to challenging network dynamics, and improved
latency and data delivery.
The objective of this workshop is to highlight recent research,
development, and evaluation of ICN/NDN in real world applications as
well as stimulate more discussions in this area. The workshop has a
particular interest in real world applications of ICN/NDN in
challenging communication environments, where IP-based solutions are
excessively complex or simply do not work. This workshop will offer a
venue for researchers from both industry and academia to demonstrate
their recent progress in applying ICN/NDN in this problem space as
well as identify potential opportunities and research gaps.
Original papers are welcome on (but not limited to) experimental
validation of Information Centric Networking/Named Data Networking
solutions for the following real world applications:
- ICN/NDN applications for Internet-of-Things
- ICN/NDN applications for smart vehicles
- ICN/NDN applications for Smart Grid and other critical
- ICN/NDN for content dissemination
- ICN/NDN applications for mobility support
- Social networking applications.
- ICN/NDN applications on Real-time audio and video communications
- ICN/NDN for infrastructure sharing
- ICN/NDN applications within disaster scenarios and contested
- ICN/NDN routing for challenged communication environments
- Supporting high assurance ICN applications in challenged
communication environments
- Real deployment and case studies of ICN in challenged communication
- QoS-aware NDN functionalities for challenged communication
- Efficient and effective ICN caching policies for challenged
communication environments
- Modeling, analysis and characterization of ICN/NDN functionalities
in challenged communication network
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