[ndnSIM] How to implement the retransmission of interest?

RuntongChen runtongchen at csu.edu.cn
Sun Dec 23 18:35:59 PST 2018


I want to implement the Interest retransmission in pit-entry. And I have got the Interest in ndn-app-link-service.cpp. I want to implement the retransmission in AppLinkService::onReceiveInterest(const Interest& interest), so I appended the code this->receiceInterest(pit_interest). It's compiled. However, the program execution gives me the error:"terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<ndn::name::Component::Error> >  what(): Name component does not have the requested marker or the value is not a nonNegativeInteger". What should I do? Thanks.

Best Regards,

Runtong Chenever

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