[ndnSIM] Inquiry about ConsumerZipfMandelbrot

Jack Baldasso jackbaldasso at gmail.com
Thu Dec 13 07:59:55 PST 2018


I'm testing an application using the ConsumerZipfMandelbrot where I specify
that each node requests a certain chunk of information. I'm using ndnSIM
2.6 on an Ubuntu 16.04 Vagrant VM with 4 GB of memory and 1 CPU (Intel Core
i7-7700 3.60GHz)

I'm defining the consumer application as follows:

    std::string prefix = "/ndn/acme/";

    ndn::AppHelper consumerHelper("ns3::ndn::ConsumerZipfMandelbrot");
    consumerHelper.SetAttribute("Frequency", StringValue (10));
    //consumerHelper.SetAttribute("NumberOfContents", StringValue (1000));

    Ptr<UniformRandomVariable> rnd = CreateObject<UniformRandomVariable>

    uint32_t nNodes = nodes.GetN ();
    for (uint16_t i = 0; i < nNodes; i++){
        uint16_t start_seq = rnd->GetInteger (0,10000) ;  // random between
0 and 10,000
        consumerHelper.SetAttribute("StartSeq",StringValue (std::to_string(
        consumerHelper.SetAttribute("MaxSeq",StringValue (std::to_string(
start_seq + 1000)));
    consumerHelper.Install(nodes);   // where `nodes` is a node container
with 50 nodes


Despite the fact that I'm setting the Simulator::Stop to 1000 seconds, my
simulation is stopping just over 100 seconds. I assume this is because all
nodes finish requesting all 1,000 contents assigned to them (10 Int/s * 100
seconds). But my understanding of the ConsumerZipfMandelbrot application is
that it will keep requesting contents until the simulation ends at 1000

Is my assumption wrong? If so, what are other possible things to check?
There's no error message given, the simulation ends normally.

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