[ndnSIM] custom-app

Xinyu Ma bitmxy at gmail.com
Sat Oct 21 22:35:53 PDT 2017

I think it's just because you forgot to modify the NS3 Log Component Name.
Please check your custom-app1.cpp and ensure there is a line like this:

NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE("CustomApp1");  //CustomApp1 is the "component
name" you want to use in NS_LOG

The log component is combined with file but not class. So maybe you
assigned different names to you app class and the log component.

Best wishes,
Xinyu, Ma.

Hi all,
> I am trying to create my own custom app. I have copyed the custom-app.ccp
> and customp-app.hpp and renamed them as custom-app1 . launched ./waf then
> NS_LOG=Custom-app1 ./waf --run=my_scenario. However, I get this error:
> "Invalid or unregistered component name "CustomApp1" in env variable
> Help please
> Cordialement / Best regards
> Doctorante / PhD Student
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