[ndnSIM] Help - Build Error

Хайрулло Рустамов khairullo.94 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 8 13:06:16 PDT 2017


I am trying to use weighted-load-balancer forwarding strategy in my simulation. 
I noticed a random-load-balancer forwarding strategy already built-in  in /examples folder in ndnSIM. 
I used same approach to install it just copy pasted weighted-load-balancer files into  /examples/weighted-load-balancer/ folder.

In my simulation cpp file first I included header file: 
#include WeightedLoadBalancerStrategy.hpp

StrategyChoiceHelper::Install<nfd::fw::WeightedLoadBalancerStrategy>(Names::Find<Node>("UCLA-HUB”), prefix);

When I compile I getting  build failed message with a lot of unknown for me parameters. 

Some of them:
-std=c++0x , ’00’, ‘-ggdb’, ‘-g3’, ‘-Wall’,

How can I succeed?

How can I succeed?

Best regards.
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