[ndnSIM] CryptoPP is present, but is not usable

wyou wyou at xidian.edu.cn
Wed Mar 29 00:44:04 PDT 2017

Hi everyone,

I got this error message when I compile the ndnSIM. OS: Mac OS X 10.11.6 El Capitan, and I installed all the dependencies from the MacPorts. Could someone help me out? Thanks!
Here is the error message:
Yohan-MBP:ns-3 yohan$ ./waf configure --with-python --enable-examples
Setting top to                           : /Users/yohan/WorkingSpace/Recherche/Simulations/NDN/ndnSIM/ns-3 
Setting out to                           : /Users/yohan/WorkingSpace/Recherche/Simulations/NDN/ndnSIM/ns-3/build 
Checking for 'clang' (C compiler)        : /usr/bin/clang 
Checking for cc version                  : 8.0.0 
Checking for 'clang++' (C++ compiler)    : /usr/bin/clang++ 
Checking supported compiler CXXFLAGS     : -std=c++0x -std=c++11 
Checking supported optimizations CXXFLAGS : -O0 
Checking supported debug CXXFLAGS         : -ggdb -g3 
Checking supported warnings CXXFLAGS      : -Wall -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations -fstrict-aliasing -Wstrict-aliasing 
Checking for program 'python'             : /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Resources/Python.app/Contents/MacOS/Python 
Checking for python version               : (2, 7, 12, 'final', 0) 
python-config                             : /opt/local/bin/python2.7-config 
Asking python-config for pyembed '--cflags --libs --ldflags' flags : yes 
Getting pyembed flags from python-config                           : yes 
Asking python-config for pyext '--cflags --libs --ldflags' flags   : yes 
Getting pyext flags from python-config                             : yes 
Checking for compilation flag -Wno-array-bounds... support         : ok 
Checking for pybindgen location                                    : ../pybindgen (guessed) 
Checking for python module 'pybindgen'                             : 0.17.0.post45+ng4806e4f 
Checking for pybindgen version                                     : 0.17.0.post45+ng4806e4f 
Checking for code snippet                                          : no 
Checking for types uint64_t and unsigned long equivalence          : yes 
Checking for code snippet                                          : yes 
Checking for types uint64_t and unsigned long long equivalence     : no 
Checking for the apidefs that can be used for Python bindings      : gcc-ILP32 
Checking for internal GCC cxxabi                                   : incomplete 
Checking for python module 'pygccxml'                              : 1.8.0 
Checking for pygccxml version                                      : 1.8.0 
Checking for program 'gccxml'                                      : /usr/local/bin/gccxml 
Checking for gccxml version                                        : 0.9.0 
Checking boost includes                                            : 1_59 
Checking boost libs                                                : ok 
Checking for boost linkage                                         : Could not link against boost libraries using supplied options 
Checking for click location                                        : not found 
Checking for program 'pkg-config'                                  : /opt/local/bin/pkg-config 
Checking for 'gtk+-2.0' >= 2.12                                    : yes 
Checking for 'libxml-2.0' >= 2.7                                   : yes 
Checking for type uint128_t                                        : not found 
Checking for type __uint128_t                                      : yes 
Checking high precision implementation                             : 128-bit integer (default) 
Checking for header stdint.h                                       : yes 
Checking for header inttypes.h                                     : yes 
Checking for header sys/inttypes.h                                 : not found 
Checking for header sys/types.h                                    : yes 
Checking for header sys/stat.h                                     : yes 
Checking for header dirent.h                                       : yes 
Checking for header stdlib.h                                       : yes 
Checking for header signal.h                                       : yes 
Checking for header pthread.h                                      : yes 
Checking for header stdint.h                                       : yes 
Checking for header inttypes.h                                     : yes 
Checking for header sys/inttypes.h                                 : not found 
Checking for library rt                                            : not found 
Checking for header sys/ioctl.h                                    : yes 
Checking for header net/if.h                                       : yes 
Checking for header net/ethernet.h                                 : yes 
Checking for header linux/if_tun.h                                 : not found 
Checking for header netpacket/packet.h                             : not found 
Checking for NSC location                                          : not found 
Checking for program 'doxygen'                                     : /usr/local/bin/doxygen 
Checking for program 'tar'                                         : /usr/bin/tar 
Checking for program 'sphinx-build'                                : not found 
Checking for std::is_default_constructible                         : no 
Checking for std::is_nothrow_move_constructible                    : no 
Checking for std::is_nothrow_move_assignable                       : no 
Checking for std::to_string                                        : no 
Checking for std::vector::insert with const_iterator               : no 
Checking for library pthread                                       : yes 
Checking for 'sqlite3'                                             : yes 
Checking Crypto++ lib                                              : 5.6.3 
Checking if CryptoPP library works                                 : no 
Checking if CryptoPP library works                                 : no 
CryptoPP is present, but is not usable
(complete log in /Users/yohan/WorkingSpace/Recherche/Simulations/NDN/ndnSIM/ns-3/build/config.log)

Cyber Engineering School
XiDian University
Xi'an China

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