[ndnSIM] Questions related to content store and attack scenarios
Spyridon (Spyros) Mastorakis
mastorakis at CS.UCLA.EDU
Mon Oct 31 15:56:17 PDT 2016
Hi John,
please see my response inline.
> How can I display the contents of the CS in a router / node at different times? Does this require subclassing one of the Tracers so it can create a file with some of the information related to content store contents?
> Since I am focusing on cache pollution attacks, I need to be able to ascertain what data was implanted by an attacker, and what data was requested by legitimate users - specifically being able to correlate Interests sent by attackers vs normal users resulting in data caching in the CS
Use the NS_LOG option when you run your simulation scenario. You can add logging on a per class basis by initializing a logging component this way:
https://github.com/named-data-ndnSIM/NFD/blob/NFD-0.3.4-ndnSIM/daemon/fw/forwarder.cpp#L38 <https://github.com/named-data-ndnSIM/NFD/blob/NFD-0.3.4-ndnSIM/daemon/fw/forwarder.cpp#L38>
and add logging statement like that:
Then, you have to recompile and run your simulation scenario:
NS_LOG=<logging-comp-name> ./waf —run <simulation-scenario>
> Related to question 3, how can I create one or more attackers? I assume this would involve subclassing one of the Consumer classes? Is there any more thorough documentation or examples of how one does something like this?
Create a separate app for the attacker. The app behavior is fully programmable. Take a look at the various app classes that inherit from the consumer class.
> Is it possible for a consumer node (such as an attacker) to focus on a specific interface (Face)?
> I may have some misunderstandings regarding the concept of "Face" in ndnSIM / NDN / NFD
> Would a particular node naturally always be "attached" to one single Face during the simulation?
A face is associated with a number of prefixes. To this end, it has to do with what prefixes are reachable through a specific face. A node has a number of faces (one face per application, one face per network device and a number of faces for the simulated NFD instance).
Hope that this helps.
Spyridon (Spyros) Mastorakis
Personal Website: http://cs.ucla.edu/~mastorakis/ <http://cs.ucla.edu/~mastorakis/>
Internet Research Laboratory
Computer Science Department
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