[ndnSIM] regarding block.hpp

Carl Zu carlzu8 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 8 15:10:19 PST 2016

I think lack of documentation is a problem...

I wanted to write some bytes in the interest message in ndnSIM. In ns3,
thanks to their documentation, one can easily understand that in order to
write some bytes, he should serialize a header.

For doing the same thing in ndnSIM, I have had the impression that I should
use "block". Moreover, It looks as though an interest message is a set of
TLVs (based on the explanation in the NDN project website). So probably if
I like to write eight bytes as four pieces of two-byte data, I should write
four TLVs. But indeed, there are many constructors in block.hpp, and it's
just about looking at one code after another to understand each of them due
to lack of documentation...

Can someone please give some guidance ???.

thanks and rgds.
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