[ndnSIM] How can application detect change in point of attachment to the Internet

Monika Dangi monikabaraut at gmail.com
Sun Apr 24 06:19:09 PDT 2016

Thank you Lixia Zhang for your reply.
well my problem is the producer is mobile, and i want the producer
application to know when the point of attachment to a router is changed so
that the retransmission timer is set accordingly. Is there any function in
ns3/mobility-module.h or in the ns3/wifi-module.h( perhaps in
YansWifiPhyHelper ) that returns the node id of the router to which the
mobile node ( producer ) is attached????  The scenario is, there is a grid
of nodes and an mobile node which is moving randomly in any direction and
may get attached to any grid node and starts sending packet.

i just want to know the time till a mobile node stays attached to a
router(grid node), so i thought if there is any function in
ns3/mobility-module.h or ns3/wifi-module.h, that can tell the current
attached router node's id then i can calculate the time mobile node stays
attached to a router.
i hope you understand the scenario.

On Wed, Apr 20, 2016 at 8:13 PM, Lixia Zhang <lixia at cs.ucla.edu> wrote:

> On Apr 20, 2016, at 4:24 AM, Monika Dangi <monikabaraut at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey All,
> i am working on mobility model in NDN, well there is a way of
> communication from application layer to network layer. But I am stuck at
> how to tell application layer that the mobile node has moved and now the
> point of attachment is changed.
> Not sure I understand the picture in your mind.
> 1/ NDN's communication model is data fetching: consumer app sends interest
> packets, that either successfully bring back data packets, or fail to do
> do.
> 2/ if the mobile nodes are consumers, consumers do not need to do anything
> special when moving.
> 3/ if the mobile nodes are producers, depending how producer mobility is
> handled, consumers figure out ways to get the data produced by mobile
> producers.
> 4/ there is a recent paper on
> "A Survey of Mobility Support in Named Data Networking"
> http://lasr.cs.ucla.edu/afanasyev/data/files/Zhang/nom16-ndn-mobility-survey.pdf
> Is there anybody working on similar problem? or can anybody provide me
> literature so that i can look myself?
> Thank-you
> --
> Monika
> MTech CSE
> IIT Roorkee
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IIT Roorkee
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