[ndnSIM] error: Running porgram outside scratch folder

Pratyush Agnihotri pratyushagnihotri03 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 3 03:03:17 PDT 2016


I am using ndnSim first time. I did configuration as mentioned in
http://ndnsim.net/2.1/index.html. Also, I was able to successfully
run=ndn-simple program with visualization  as well as I can run any
scenario copied to scratch folder.

However, I am not able to run any program other than scratch. For example,
running from download folder or ndnSim. To solve this problem, I tried to
set environment variable in /.bashrc such as

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}:/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${$LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/usr/local/lib
export PATH=${PATH}:/home/pratyush/ndnSIM/ns-3
export PATH=${PATH}:/home/pratyush/ndnSIM/ns-3/build

But still not able to solve problem. Can you please suggest how can I solve
this issue?


Kind Regards,
Pratyush Agnihotri
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