[ndnSIM] Random Producer/consumer

Andrey Silva andreysilva.eng at gmail.com
Thu Oct 8 04:20:42 PDT 2015


You have to seed it.

Put this code at the beginning of you code.

srand( time(NULL) );

Best regards!

2015-10-08 7:34 GMT-03:00 Dhiab Imen <dhiabimen at gmail.com>:

> Hi ,
> there is any one who can tell me how can I change my producer node
> randomly  at every simulation.
> I try to use rand():
> NodeContainer c; // NodeContainer
> c.Create (4);
> int a=1+rand()%3 // to generate an integer between 1 and 4
>   producerHelper.Install (c.Get (a));
> but when I want to display the value of a
>   std::cout << "a = "  << a <<"\n";
> I have the same value even when I re-simulate my code.
> thnx a  lot.
> --
> Cordialement
> Imen Dhiab
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> Ingénieur Informatique diplômé de l'Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Sfax.
> Membre de l'unité de recherche SAGE (Systèmes Avancés en
> Génie Electrique), Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Sousse.
> +216 53 59 19 88
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Andrey Silva

Engenheiro da Computação - Universidade Federal do Pará
Mestrando em Engenharia Elétrica - Laboratório de Processamento de
Sinais - Universidade
Federal do Pará .
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