[ndnSIM] How python scripts in .waf-tools dir are invoked?

Spyridon (Spyros) Mastorakis mastorakis at CS.UCLA.EDU
Sun Oct 4 12:01:32 PDT 2015

> The linking error most probably means that there are some header files missing and you need to include them in your code.

> I don't quite agree. It would have been a compile error in that case. I believe these are because it is not finding the lprotobuf due to something missing during configuration stage? I have verified that this library in present my environment. 
> Right now, I am not adding any new code. I am just trying to update the wscript build file to accommodate NLSR as integral part of ndnSIM just like NFD and ndn-cxx. 

The short answer to that is "not necessarily". :-)

When you are trying to compile and link you code using a wscript, things are kind of more tricky. If you do not export the headers of one module and link them with the desired module in the right way, the compiler would not be able to find them.

I am not fully aware of all the dependencies of NLSR and, especially, of the protobuf dependency. I think that we used to use it more extensively before I joined UCLA, but for some reason we have almost abandoned it.

Probably, it would be useful for you to take a look at the way that we link some real applications that we have already ported to the simulator:


Spyridon (Spyros) Mastorakis
Personal Website: http://cs.ucla.edu/~mastorakis/
Internet Research Laboratory
PhD Computer Science

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