[ndnSIM] ndnSIM 2.0: conversion

NDIKUMANA ANSELME anselme333 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 22 05:48:53 PST 2015

Hi, All

I  am trying to implement the queue on each router and I am getting the
main  error on line 95 :
 ../src/ndnSIM/examples/congestioncontrolsenario1.cpp:95:45: error:
conversion from ‘std::shared_ptr<nfd::Face>’ to non-scalar type
‘ns3::Ptr<nfd::Face>’ requested

    93 ObjectFactory factory;
    94  Ptr<ndn::L3Protocol> ndn = router1->GetObject<ndn::L3Protocol>();
    95  Ptr<nfd::Face> face = ndn->getFaceById(0);
    96 Ptr<ndn::NetDeviceFace> ndf = DynamicCast<ndn::NetDeviceFace>(face);
    97 Ptr<NetDevice> nd = ndf->GetNetDevice();
    98 Ptr<PointToPointNetDevice> p2p = StaticCast<PointToPointNetDevice>
    99 factory.SetTypeId("Queue");
    100 Config::SetDefault ("NaccMecIcn::m_buffer", UintegerValue (100));
    101  Ptr<Queue> router1q = factory.Create<Queue> ();
    102  Ptr<Queue> ndnqueue = StaticCast<Queue> (router1q);
    103  p2p->SetQueue (router1q);

I would appreciate any idea on how to fix this issue.

With Regards,
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